Now you’ve discovered your most beautiful and harmonious colours

To help you learn about your colours, I’ve written guides for every tone:

I highly recommend reading the guide for you own tone. It contains a lot of information that will help you understand and use your colours, as well as links to inspirational pinterest boards and other helpful blog posts.

It can be useful to read about adjacent tones as well as your own, to help you get a sense of where your colours end and others begin.

Other blog posts that may be useful:

Purchase extra fans

Extra fans can be useful to help you understand the range and limits of your tone.

You may want to purchase your tone’s corporate fan (or classic, if you chose corporate at your PCA), to see more colours that are harmonious with your tone.

Or you may want to purchase a fan or two from adjacent tones, to help you understand where your tone ends and another begins. The most useful tones are those listed in your Tonal Guide under “Tonal comparisons”.