Frequently asked questions

Do you offer PCAs for men?

Absolutely! The power of our colours to make us look authentic, strong and attractive, is just as valuable for men as for women. And most men I know appreciate that knowing their colours makes shopping simpler (no more guessing what goes with what). Go to Discover My Colours to book your PCA!

Do you offer group PCAs?

I offer Joint PCAs for two people, see Discover My Colours for more information.

Any more than two people makes for a session that is simply too long to maintain the focus we need to accurately assess your colours. Your PCA is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and I want it to be as good as I can make it.


Is the Elemental Colour studio wheelchair accessible?

Unfortunately not, but I can come to you! Please email me and I’d be happy to make an arrangement that works for you.


Can I bring my child(ren) to my PCA?

A personal colour analysis is a fun, once-in-a-lifetime experience, but it does take some focus from both you and me for a perfectly accurate result. As a mother myself, I know that as much as we love them, children make it hard to focus! For this reason, children cannot attend their parent’s PCA.

I do make an exception for a breast-feeding baby who can’t be separated from you long enough for a PCA. In this case please bring a friend along to look after your baby while you’re being draped.


How do I find my colours after my PCA?

Every personal colour analysis includes a 12-tone fan for you to keep, which shows 65–70 of your best colours. We will talk about how to use it at your appointment. Additionally, I will send you lots of information about your tone afterwards, and if you have any further questions you’re most welcome to email me.

I don’t live in South Australia, how can I find an analyst in my area?

Visit the True Colour International Analyst Directory to find some amazing analysts all over the world.


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