Wedding Inspiration in 12 Tones


In this series, I’m collecting my Pinterest boards into blog posts to help you see how the tones can be used in various applications. I find it really useful to see all 12 tones together, because it helps me to understand my own tone to see it in the context of all the others.

Keep in mind that screens render colour differently (sometimes radically differently), so while these images look harmonious with their respective tones on my screen, they may not on yours. Always use your fan as your guide. 


Choosing your wedding dress is one of the times you may most care about finding your most flattering colours.

But maybe you want to go further. If you want to be the most captivating you can be, you may want to not just wear your colours, but also surround yourself with them. 

I’ve put together these pinterest boards below to show how weddings themed in each of the 12 tones might look.

I hope they inspire you for your special day!


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Wedding Inspiration in 12 Tones:Dresses, decor and details in beautiful 12-tone colour schemes