Jewellery, Watches and Glasses in 12 Tones


In this series, I’m collecting my Pinterest boards into blog posts to help you see how the tones can be used in various applications. I find it really useful to see all 12 tones together, because it helps me to understand my own tone to see it in the context of all the others.

Keep in mind that screens render colour differently (sometimes radically differently), so while these images look harmonious with their respective tones on my screen, they may not on yours. Always use your fan as your guide. 


Should you wear gold or silver, or can you wear both?

In broad strokes, the answer depends on your tone:

  • if you are warm, wear gold

  • if you are cool, wear silver

  • if you are neutral, you can wear both

But your very best metals are more specific than that, as you’ll see in the images below. The brighter your tone the better a shiny metal will suit you, and the reverse is true of softer tones.

And what about other metals — platinum, white gold, rose gold, copper, bronze, brass ... ?

All metals can work for a variety of tones but the details — the specific shade of this particular lump of metal, the construction and finishing of the piece — will determine which tone it fits most comfortably into.

If that sounds difficult, don’t worry. As always, all you need to know is if it harmonises with your fan, or not.

Stones in jewellery are similarly better for brighter tones when they are shiny, reflective or translucent, and better for softer tones when they are more muted or opaque. These are easier to match because they are usually more colourful.

In theses Pinterest boards I’ve collected jewellery, watches, glasses and sunglasses together because they are the most common forms of metals you are likely to wear. I hope they help as you develop your harmonious wardrobe.


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Jewellery, Watches and Glasses in 12 Tones:Accessories for women and men in each tone